Track & Trace System

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The providers of this powerful track and trace tool

A tool that has the power to pinpoint current and past locations

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What is a track and trace system for?

A track and trace system consists of components that work together to ensure efficient product identification and safety, data management, and communication all at once. 

These components are important for preciseness, real-time visibility, and effective management throughout the supply chain. A track and trace system utilizes specialized software combined with product labeling, particularly barcode unique identifiers, to achieve these capabilities.

The track and trace system enhances transparency by offering detailed information about the production, handling, and transportation of products. The consumers nowadays demand transparency and information about the products they purchase track and trace systems enable businesses to provide accurate and detailed information, developing trust and enhancing the overall customer experience.

At the same time, a track and trace system is a valuable tool that offers clear visibility in the supply chain and helps ensure regulatory compliance.

What is track and trace for pharmaceuticals?

Understanding track and trace in Pharma,

The ability to track and trace with serialization, which provides the means to identify and authenticate a drug prior to sale, dispensing, return, or recall. In the same context, serialization requires several processes and data points, which can be derived only through track and trace. Together, these solutions are the key to mitigating counterfeit drugs.  Every country follows a unique serialization method to keep track of the products.

According to the WHO, approximately 10% of medical products circulating in low- and middle-income countries are substandard.

What is track and trace for pharmaceuticals?

Understanding track and trace in Pharma,

The ability to track and trace with serialization, which provides the means to identify and authenticate a drug prior to sale, dispensing, return, or recall. In the same context, serialization requires several processes and data points, which can be derived only through track and trace. Together, these solutions are the key to mitigating counterfeit drugs.  Every country follows a unique serialization method to keep track of the products.

According to the WHO, approximately 10% of medical products circulating in low- and middle-income countries are substandard.

Problems faced by pharma without track & trace


Error in code verification
The prevalence of code errors stands out as a prominent challenge in the Track and Trace process, presenting itself in diverse manifestations such as missing or inaccurate codes. The significance of adhering to prescribed coding standards cannot be overstated.


Difficulty in serialization
With the continuous expansion of products within pharmaceutical companies, the complexity of managing serialization maximizes. Each distinct product, package, and batch demands a unique serialization code, introducing a level of intricacy that can strain resources


Restriction in aggregation
The process of aggregation, wherein smaller units are grouped into larger batches for traceability, might have restrictions during the process. Specifically, manual inspection tends to be time-consuming, prone to errors, and overall inefficient. Such drawbacks contribute to delays in operations

Benefits of using track and trace solution

With the development of technology and the constant change of needs, pharmaceutical track and trace systems have become the major pillars of the pharmaceutical industry.

Increases the
productivity level

Track and trace systems support drug manufacturers to compete among themselves. The pharma companies have expanded the scope of serialization and developed pharmaceutical track and trace products using data matrices and QR codes.

Simply observe
regulatory compliance

Regulators require significant, proper documentation of every aspect of the pharmaceutical production process. By having a systematic and authentic track and trace system in place, pharmaceutical manufacturers can automate data collection, this helps to eliminate the need for manual record-keeping.

Closes out
counterfeit drugs

Humans can't fight counterfeit and substandard drugs. There is a large supply and complex chain, counterfeit and substandard drugs can be determined with the investments and cooperation of the government and companies providing track and trace solutions

Effective recall
management solution

Regulators determine that a company’s pharma products cause adverse consumer effects. As a result, regulatory bodies will order the manufacturer to recall products already shipped. Having a high-speed track-and-trace solution always allows manufacturers to withdraw all affected products

Lack of
common standards

The capability to establish a national standard is the biggest challenge in the application and serialization of pharmaceutical track and trace solutions. Say, for example, the FDA asked the pharmaceutical industry to set a general standard so that all drugs can be tracked and traced precisely.

Clear visibility
in supply chain

Track and trace solution provides real-time visibility into the movement of pharmaceutical products, allowing companies to optimize inventory management, prevent stockouts, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.

What do we offer?

OptoPixel takes great pride in offering top-rated Track And Trace Solutions.
As one of the best traceability providers in the pharmaceutical industry, you can trust us to deliver high-quality yet cost-effective solutions.
Our top-notch Track And Trace System For Pharma Packaging is equipped with exciting features.

Frequently asked questions

What is track and trace?

Track and Trace is the use of unique and aggregated serial numbers to establish a chain of custody for a product as it moves from the manufacturer to end consumer through distribution channels. This process allows anyone along the supply chain to verify the authenticity of the goods. Products are then traceable back to their place of origin, creating a more secure supply chain. The usefulness of this process has led to numerous governments adopting regulations requiring serialization in certain industries, such as the pharmaceutical, pesticides, Liquor, etc. Industries where grey market sales and counterfeiting are a major problem.

With OptoPixel track and trace, establishing a program of serialization and aggregation can be an easily achieved goal. OptoPixel team can study your production process and help make certain the right systems and software are used to achieve an efficient and effective track and trace program. This can include either the installation of new track and trace systems onto the production line or the addition of track and trace capabilities to existing equipment.

How does track and trace work?
Random Serial numbers are generated from a central database, third-party vendor or government agency. The software pulls these numbers as needed and assigns them to products as they move down the production line. Each number is printed on the surface of the product or on a label that is then applied to the package as both a string of human-readable characters and as a machine-readable code. The system records the use of the number and flags it as in use, putting together the hierarchy related to the product and subsequent packages it is inserted into. As the product moves through the supply chain, its movements are logged by scanning the unique identifier, establishing a complete chain of custody for the product from its creation to the point of sale.
What is the difference between serialization and track and trace?

There are minor difference Between serialization and track and trace,

Serialization refers to the generation and assignment of a unique identifying number to an individual product package. This number can then be checked against a database of numbers to verify accuracy. This is what government regulations mean when they refer to "serialization".

Track and trace, on the other hand, not only covers the serialization process, but includes bundling of individual serial numbers and refers to the larger process – bundling together individual packages into a single aggregate code and recording the movement of the package as it makes its way through the supply chain.

Apart from Pharmaceutical Industries, which other industries can use Track and Trace?
Along with Pharmaceuticals, OptoPixel provides track and Trace to several industries like Liquor, Petrochemicals, Pesticides, etc.

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